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Nanotomy: Large-scale EM for teaching

Introduction to Nanotomy Nanotomy & T1D @ UMC Groningen
This movie illustrates the steps taken from tissue to Nanotomy

We use Nanotomy for several years as a tool to teach our students at diferent levels (BSc, MSc, PhD) to introduce the use and structure/ function relationships of EM in biomedicine.

Workshop - Type 1 diabetes Nanotomy & T1D @ Radboud UMC
We combine EM maps with similar histological maps for teaching. Zoom in on the large Islet of Langerhans at 11 o'clock to uncover the ultrastructure Dr. Fransen at the Radboud UMC (Nijmegen, NL) exploits Nanotomy to teach students at different levels (BSc, MSc, PhD) to introduce the use of EM in the 3D analysis of tissues in health and disease.

Workshop Skin & blistering Nanotomy & T1D @ TU Delft
We combine EM maps with similar histological maps for teaching. Zoom in on the large Islet of Langerhans at 11 o'clock to uncover the ultrastructure Dr. Hoogenboom at TU Delft uses Nanotomy to familiarize MSc students in Nanobiology with EM tissue data, to learn recognize cellular components in EM, and to understand the role of EM in high-resolution imaging.
More non-nanotomy versatest Nanotomy in your education?
A link to other topics using versatest for teaching Please inform us if you use the tools presented here. Inquiries of current modules and future ones that may focus on other tissues/ diseases/ human tissues are welcome.

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