![]() |
Fatal Error!The application cannot be lauched. A fatal error occurred. |
![]() |
You are using Internet ExplorerThis application offers a better user experience if Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome is used. |
delete all
Delete All
Lock Measurements to FOV ? |
Holding CTRL while moving a node of any measurement tool will lock the tool angle to multiples of 15°.
Save to XML |
Delete existing data on load? |
Assign existing settings to loaded data? |
Save and restore the annotations, the views and the waypoints from the current browser session.
To save the current field of view, use the save button located in the footer of the application.
![]() |
Showing View 4 of 7 |
50 μm
+ View
Views Menu
The current mosaic has been added to the daisy chain list.
To view the current list, press "Start Slide Show" in the ATLAS view menu.
Press "Enter" to change view |
Display View Info ? |
Transition Mode |
Loop ? |
Daisy Chain Slide Show ? |
The views, the measurements and the way points have been saved.
The ATLAS Browser-Based Viewer cannot retreive the image when run locally.
If your are running Chrome locally, close all instances of Chrome and start it using :
chrome --allow-file-access-from-files
Please enter a scale bar value
μmScale Bar Type |
Scalebar will be modified if the image scale is too large.
In order to work properly, the ATLAS Browser-Based Viewer needs to have the following data.
nmPlease measure the length of this red line with a ruler and input the value below.
Note: This calibration is monitor dependent.
It was detected that the current browser zoom level is different than 100%.
The ATLAS Browser-Based Viewer strongly recommends the browser to be set to 100%.
In most browser, pressing CTRL+0 will set the zoom level to 100%.
It appears that the browser you are currently using is not hardware accelerated.
For an improved user experience it is strongly recommended to update your browser and/or to install any of the following browsers:
![]() |
Mozilla Firefox 4.0+ |
![]() |
Google Chrome 12+ |
Apple Safari 5.0+ |
Microsoft Internet Explorer 9+ for Windows Vista and 7 only |
Loading saved data will delete all the existing waypoints, views and measurements.
Do you want to continue ?
The following code includes the waypoints, the annotations and the saved views.
Replace the WHOLE content of the mosaicinfo.js file located at with the following XML code.